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About Amanda

A soulful songstress with a heart full of love and a tool belt full of facilitation techniques, connection tools, expression exercises, heart songs and healing approaches. 


Amanda is a multi-disciplinary facilitator, teacher, healing artist and performer with a background in Applied Theatre, Reiki Healing, Yoga/Meditation Teaching, Actor Training, Team Building, Street Theatre, Zenthai Flow, Drama Teaching, Kids Play Therapy and Intuitive Voice & Bodywork. 


She is also an advocate for the care, healing and regeneration of Mother Earth. Using her permaculture studies to assist her in growing food sustainably, in combination with self-care practices and devotional gatherings, to share a wholistic, earth-centred healing approach. This also weaves into her music; singing songs of earth and spirit, of water and wellness, of love and of life. 


Her intention is to heal and grow alongside her ever expanding human family, to co-create an eco-system where nature is able to thrive in its truest form, inclusive of the full diversity of life. This activates her to hold space for people to feel safe, go deep within, connect to their innate life force, to each other and to express from a place of truth, to be ourselves unashamedly, to return to our childlike essence. 


Expression is an antidote to consumption. It sparks joy and empties us.


Creation is a tonic for destruction.


Nature can only be itself, lets grow together with nature, as nature. As it was always intended. 



Mauri Badra photography

Mauri Badra photography

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