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Our voice is one of our greatest healing tools. It has the ability to shift our frequency in any given moment. Many people believe they cannot sing, often due to childhood experiences of being shut down. Voice Activations are a safe container to release negative associations to singing, open the throat chakra and be heard in your innate expression.This process unlocks the voice through  shamanic release, mantra and vocal/mental reprogramming.

Soul song Circles 

A regular gathering to share in the healing practice of singing, connecting and celebrating through sound. It includes vocal and energy warmups and ignites the path of co-created sound, the  sharing soulful songs, bhajans and medicine music for collective healing, empowered expression, connection and cathartic release. This is a co-created space where instruments and song offerings are welcome.

Public speaking & Performance  COACHING

They say life is a stage, and we merely players, so why not play our ideal part? With this as a pillar of Performance Coaching, Amanda uses her experience as an Actor, Applied Theatre Practitioner & Actor Trainer to assist people in expressing themselves clearly and confidently. 

live music
holy fire
reiki ENERGY HEALING & Teaching

Amanda has received Reiki healing, teachings and ignitions from her mother, Jacky Haworth (Healing from the Heart), a Reiki Master with Karuna & Holy Fire Attunements from the age of 4. Amanda uses the teachings of her Holy Fire Reiki Masters to flow into her own style of hands on intuitive energy healing to restore alignment to physical, emotional and energetic bodies. She is a Reiki Master offering trainings in Level 1 & 2 Reiki & Holy Fire.

Song circle&

Music and sacred ceremonial spaces to release, surrender, give thanks, call in the new, release the old and celebrate this divine existence.

intuitive massage &
chi nei tsang

Available for live music of originals, covers and medicine songs for events, restaurants, functions and  cafe's.

yoga, zen thai flow & FLOWGA

Flowga is a blend of Yoga, Qi Gong, Zenthai Flow, Intuitive Movement, Music & Meditation. It is based upon the teachings Amanda has received in her diverse studies of movement, meditation, physical theatre & mindfulness. It aims to bring body-mind awareness, energetic/emotional alignment and self-understanding to allow access to our “flow state” in all moments.



Interactive journeys weaved with threads of theatre sports, obstacle course, social permaculture and play therapy. Aimed at engaging groups, building communication, increasing connection, empowering teamwork and igniting playfulness.

Each body is so different, so at the core of this massage is an intuitive listening to what each body needs. This is supported by techniques of Zenthai Shiatsu & relaxation massage. Chi Nei Tsang is a traditional abdominal massage used in China & Thailand to cleanse the organs and clear emotional blockages often stored in our abdomen and particularly, for many women, in the womb. 

creativity courses

Singing, dancing, rhythm, voice, acting and nature play for the expression of your young ones true nature. A space of self discovery, connection, creativity and innate play. 

wellness retreats 

Combining Yoga, Meditation, Movement, Satsang, Wholefoods, Mantra & Music, these workshops provide space to release, reflect & reconnect with yourself. These workshops & retreats offer accessible daily techniques to create your own unique wellness routine for greater presence, more vitality and deep healing.

rewilding programs

A dive into the wild heart of our own being; subconscious reprogramming, breathwork, shamanic drumming, elemental yoga flow and deep nature immersions to bring us back to our true wild and natural self.

gardening &
Permaculture design

Using permaculture design & intuitive gardening techniques, Amanda supports people to grow food, herbs, flowers and natives to suit each land & weaves intentional practices into the process to connect earth care and self care.

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